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Performer Repertoire Update

The form below allows you to submit individual recording titles.
If you would like to submit multiple titles, it may be faster to use our REPERTOIRE FORM and send the update to ACTRA RACS Team.

Recording Details

Title of the Recording
Name of the Artist or Group who Created/Released the Recording
Length of Recording in Minutes and Seconds (00:00)
Type of Recording: Album version, Live, Remix, Remastered
Year In Which the Recording was Recorded
Year In Which the Recording was Released
International Standard Recording Code (if available)(exclude hyphens)
Country of Recording Studio
The Country in which the Recording Studio is Located
Nationality of First Maker
If Company/Record Label: Country of Head Office. If Person: Nationality of Person.

Your Performance Details

Legal First and Last Name Of Performer
International Performer Number
Unique ID Given to Each RACS Performer (if known/applicable)
Performer Contribution Category(Required)
Role of Performer on Recording: Vocals / Keyboard / Guitar / Percussion etc.
NOTE: Composers, songwriters, and lyricists are not considered performers unless they made an audible contribution to the recording

Additional Performer Details

Other Featured Performer on Recording
Names of other Featured Performers (if known and if not submitted elsewhere)
Other Non-Featured Performer on Recording
Names of other Non-Featured Performers (if known and if not submitted elsewhere)

Additional Recording Details

Alternative Title (if applicable)
Name of the Album on which the Recording Appears (if applicable)
Name of Recording Studio(s) where Recording was Created
Record Label, Company or Person who Paid for the Recording to Take Place
Please note that repertoire submissions are reviewed and will not immediately appear in your portal repertoire.